You did it!
Just by wanting to join,
You’re now an official member
Of the BFF Sticker Club!

Now that you’re an officially official member,
let’s hear from some fellow Stickies about ways you can get involved!
Hi Stickies!
It’s Matching Time!!
Bestie sign ups will be open from the last Saturday of the month until the next Monday. After this, they will be closed- have no fear if you miss the deadline- there’s always next month!
We will make a post on Instagram when you have been matched. You will NOT get a private message with the information. It is your job to watch for the post to learn who your sticker bestie is, to message them, and to share addresses, etc. We will make the post this week, so keep an eye out!
By signing up, you are agreeing to the possibility of an international bestie.
After you message your bestie, you just mail them 3-5 sheets of stickers within the month. If you don’t follow through, we won’t be able to have you in the pool of names again, so please only sign up if you are going to be able to send your stickers within the month
Let’s do this thing!
To Sign Up Click the Button!
Interested in Signing up to be a Sticker Bestie?
We’re so excited that you are interested in a Sticker Bestie! Sign ups are currently closed, but open back up the last Saturday-Monday of each month! Keep an eye out on our Instagram page (@thebffstickerclub) for updates!

Let’s Talk About Sticker Besties
What’s all this Sticker Bestie business about, you ask? You’ve come to the right place!
Here’s how this works!
A Sticker Bestie is someone we match you with for a one time exchange of 3-5 sticker sheets. The commitment is over after the month, and if you’d like to sign up again, you can. It’s a fun way to connect with another sticker loving human and send and receive some happiness in your mailbox- who doesn’t want that?
The last Saturday of every month, the sign ups for Sticker Besties are open! They will remain open for 48 hours. If you miss the sign up, no worries, you can try again next month!
To sign up, simply answer the questions in the link above.
It is then your job to check for your match the week after you sign up. You will not receive an email not notify you of your match- it is your job to check the list, and then reach out to your Bestie.
A few things to note:
-By signing up, you are agreeing to the possibility to being paired with an international Bestie. We want to include all of our Stickies around the globe!
-You are also agreeing to potentially being paired with someone you’ve been paired with before. It’s an opportunity to get to know another Stickie even better- how exciting!
-We understand that life gets busy, but here at the BFF Sticker Club, we follow through on our commitments, especially when it comes to friendship and stickers. Please know that if you don’t follow through and communicate with your Bestie, you will not be able to participate again.
-This is for fun, and is a friendly, free service from the BFF Sticker Club. Please understand that if we decide participating in Sticker Besties is not a good fit for you, for whatever reason, we can ask you to stop participating at any time. Thank you for your understanding!